Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The New Prize: Alternative Fuels

Another photo op for yours truly! Check out what one of my cousin's did recently:
Gregory J. Cobb recently replaced premium gasoline pumps at two of his five Indiana stations with E85. At one station near South Bend, he said, he was selling 24,000 gallons of E85 a month compared with the 1,700 gallons of premium gas he had been selling.

You go Mr. Cobb!!

Also mentioned in this article is how Comedy Central treated me recently:
The banning of Corn Cob Bob, who looks like a farmer with a corncob head, inspired a recent segment on the "Daily Show" on Comedy Central, culminating with the mock execution of the mascot by the comedian Rob Corddry.

"This world was never going to treat Corn Cob Bob fairly," explained Mr. Corddry, as soft piano music trilled in the background. "I wanted to show him a better place."

How very true. Thanks, Rob.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

A picture of me in the field

I really need to cut back on those late night corn chip binges!

Corn Cob Play

Excerpt from a corny play about me:
Food comes from the grocery store.

Pat, you BUY food in the grocery
store. It doesn't grow there.

Hellloooo? Why do you think they
call it the GROW...CERY store?

(to the audience)
What a dummy.

Haven't you ever heard of a farmer?

You're not gonna sing are you?

Well, I do have an ear for music.

(to the audience)
And a kernel for a brain.

Corn Cob Bob smiles, then SINGS to the tune of "Home on the
Range" --

Oh, yes I was born in the Springtime so warm.
When the farmer put seeds in the ground.
With water and sun, my young sprout quickly sprung.
And by Fall I was grocery store bound.

I'm not singing that corny song.

With a tug from Corn, Pat O' Butter suddenly sits upright
and SINGS --

Home, Home On The Farm.

SFX. COW MOOING STAGE LEFT. Pat O'Butter looks stage left.

Where the cows graze and seeds go to sow.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Corn-Cob Dolls

I'm loved by children all over, that's why bringing a little extra corn cob lovin into your home is all you need to combat the evil that is television today.

Who wouldn't love a doll with "a corn cob body", "a dried apple for a head" and "inverted rose tree thorns" for eyes and mouth? I mean, come on: THORN EYES?!? Nothing is more cuddly than that!

Awww, poor little Timmy got stuck by his corn cob doll. That will teach him to try and poke my ... er... the dolls eyes out!!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Gnarly Mutant Cob

Boy, those scientists have sure been busy looking into my evolutionary history! Disrupting the ramosa1 gene is all it took to turn your friendly everyday Corn on the Cob into the gnarly mutant cob of the night!

Evolution rocks!

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Can't be a corn man without a little corn music! The Korn site linked above might be offensive to some, but not nearly as offensive as a gas hog getting under 10 mpg! Wheeeee!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

How about a game of Cornhole!

How to play Cornhole Scoring
  • Players stand alongside a board and toss a cornbag (like a beanbag) at the hole in the opposite-facing board.
  • Each player receives four bags.
  • A bag in the hole earns 3 points.
  • A bag that lands on the board but does not go in the hole is 1 point.
  • A bag that hits the ground first doesn't count.
  • A bag toss of equal value thrown against an opponent cancels the opponent's points.
  • Opponents alternate tosses until all eight bags are played.
  • First player or team to score 21 points wins.
Thanks to Moody over at Snabulus for the link!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Fun Activity!

Sitting around the house with the kids with nothing to do? Still have those corn cobs laying around from last night's dinner?

Sounds like it's time for some CORN COB PAINTING!!
No brushes needed for this painting and printing activity!
By Kathleen M. Hollenbeck

What you need:
• paper plates (for paint)
• ears of corn (some stripped of kernels, some with kernels)
• tempera paint
• paper (large sheets if available)

What to do:
1. Cover a table with newspaper, and place paper on top.
2. Dip corn cobs in paint, roller-style, and roll along the paper in any direction.
3. Use different colors for a different effect.
4. Compare prints made by cobs with and without kernels.

Learning Benefits
• creative expression
• experimentation

Monday, August 01, 2005

Sounds Delicious!

Haven't tried it myself, but it sounds delicious!

6 cobs of corn
1 stick butter
1/2 can biscuits
Salt and pepper to taste
Cover ears of corn with water. Boil until tender. Scrape off cob and put scrapings in boiling water. Roll biscuits into 1 inch squares and drop into corn broth. Add salt and pepper to taste.

It's Delicious.

Caught Kissin'

I say it didn't happen! Lies, I tell you, lies!

Friday, July 29, 2005

Chillin with Corn Cob Bob

Here I am at the 2005 Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo. Say, where's Melissa?

Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Corn Cob Bob Song

(A round to the tune of “Three Blind Mice”)

Corn Cob Bob, Corn Cob Bob,
He’s quite the man, He’s quite the man!
Our mascot is working and having fun,
Keeping us smiling as things get done.
Did you ever see such a marvelous one
As Corn Cob Bob?

Monday, July 25, 2005

Some of my Friends

Pork Chop: This child star offers up a tap-dancing extravaganza while telling us about “The Other White Meat to the tune of “You Are My Sunshine.”

Johnny Rotten: Johnny has got the “been so mistreated, ain’t safe to be reheated blues.” The singer who has seen better days, talks about the dangers of mishandling food.

Tiny The Flying Tomato: Preparing for a launch out of a cannon, this daredevil tomato helps the audience understand how food makes it to the grocery store.

Frankie Rumproast: Being the busy, in demand hunk of beef that he is, Frankie has to make his appearance via satellite. Frankie is being honored with the Lifetime “Yummy” for surviving the olden days. (before meat was packaged, stuffed into cans and preservatives).

The Musical Beans, Pinto and Soy: This duo helps us understand beans get such a bad rap. WARNING: Don’t get too close! You know what happens when you eat too many beans…

... and don't forget me!

Corn Cob Bob, and his little stick of butter PAT: Corn Cob Bob performs his amazing ventriloquist routine with the help of his sidekick Pat. Singing a parody of “Home on the Range,” the two explain where they came from and why they make such a good team.

Friday, July 15, 2005


I may not be welcome in Canada, but you are welcome here! Bring forth the corn!