Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Corn-Cob Dolls

I'm loved by children all over, that's why bringing a little extra corn cob lovin into your home is all you need to combat the evil that is television today.

Who wouldn't love a doll with "a corn cob body", "a dried apple for a head" and "inverted rose tree thorns" for eyes and mouth? I mean, come on: THORN EYES?!? Nothing is more cuddly than that!

Awww, poor little Timmy got stuck by his corn cob doll. That will teach him to try and poke my ... er... the dolls eyes out!!


DewKid said...

Whoa, thorn eyes? That's messed up dude.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm ... corncob toys. I think I'll whip one up for my son!